IB 442: Evolution of Infectious Disease

Course Details

Description: Understanding the evolution and ecology of the microbial world is of great importance to human health and the health of our planet. Students will explore the ecology and evolution principles that apply to viruses, microbial eukaryotes, archaea and bacteria. The primary literature on historical and emerging infectious diseases will be used to illustrate critical applications of these basic principles. Examples include applying genomics tools to understand the evolutionary basis for antibiotic resistance, the spread of emerging pathogens, and the ecology of probiotics and the human microbiome. The objective of this class is to better understand how humans shape the diversity and dynamics of the microbial world living in and around us every day. Same as MCB 435. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. Prerequisite: MCB 300 or consent of instructor.
Cross List: MCB 435
IB Area(s):AA
Course Offered in Semester(s): Spring
Additional Notes: Subject to approval
Course Schedule: U of I Course Explorer Schedule
Syllabus: PDF of Course Syllabus