From genomics to global change, integrative biology seeks to discover the complex interrelationships between living organisms and the physical and biological environment in which they live. This is the new biology, with an emphasis on bringing multiple disciplines to bear on complex scientific questions. For students, this emphasis leads to a deep understanding of biology and its interrelationships.
The Integrative Biology major provides students with a solid preparation in genetics, evolution, anatomy, physiology, ecology, and molecular biology. After completion of the foundational 100- and core 200-300-level courses in IB, students complete the required advanced coursework by taking a variety of IB and other courses or focusing on a limited area of IB. Plans for the student's combination of advanced courses are developed in consultation with an advisor. All undergraduates in this field are required to have a strong background in the biological and physical sciences.
First Year Students
Incoming first-year students who are interested in majoring in Integrative Biology should apply for admission to the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences (LAS) and choose biology as your intended major. During your first year you will take an introductory course in Integrative Biology (IB) and an introductory course in Molecular and Cellular Biology (MCB). Based on experience in both classes, you will choose a major to declare, typically during the second semester of your first year.
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