Join the many graduates and friends of Integrative Biology who have already made an impact on IB through their gifts. You, too, can help provide a cutting-edge educational experience in biology to current students. Read more about the funds below.

To learn more about how you can have an impact for our departments, please visit the following giving pages: 

Entomology Evolution, Ecology, and Behavior Plant Biology

School of Integrative Biology Unrestricted Fund

The Integrative Biology Annual Fund is the main source of unrestricted funds available to IB. It is used to cover educational expenses for undergraduates that cannot be handled by the School's normal university budget. Purchase of specialized equipment for IB courses, support for IB student groups, support for special student events - all are examples of the uses to which contributions to the IB Annual Fund have been put. The help provided by the Annual Fund can make the difference between a good educational experience and an outstanding one.

Donate to the SIB Unrestricted Fund

Robert H. Davis Memorial Endowment

The Robert H. Davis Memorial Fund was named in honor of an undergraduate student in Integrative Biology on track to graduate in May, 2008. His tragic death in February 2008 cut short what was clearly a promising career. This fund was established by his family in his memory in order to provide support for undergraduate students to participate in undergraduate research, as Robert himself did.

Donate to the Robert H. David Memorial Endowment

Delcomyn International Student in Biology Award Fund

Established by Fred Delcomyn, the founding Director of the School of Integrative Biology, and his wife Nancy, this fund provides financial assistance to undergraduate students in IB who wish to take advantage of off-campus, biologically-related educational opportunities.

Donate to the Delcomyn Award Fund

Integrative Biology Honors Program Fund

This fund supports the program designed for superior students wishing to pursue an intensive program in integrative biology and, concurrently to gain a strong background in the physical sciences and mathematics.

Donate to the IB Honors Program Fund

SIB General Scholarship Fund

This fund supports undergraduate students pursuing independent research projects with SIB faculty.

Donate to the SIB General Scholarship Fund

School of Integrative Biology Teaching Scholar Award

The School of Integrative Biology Teaching Scholar Award Fund is used to support a three-year position for a faculty member in SIB. The fund was established in honor of Dr. Carol Augspurger, professor emerita in Plant Biology, in recognition of her dedication to the undergraduate mission of the School of Integrative Biology.

Donate to the SIB Teaching Scholar Award

Mary F. Willson Graduate Research Fund

The Mary F. Willson Graduate Research Fund will support graduate student research and help offset the cost of supplies, travel, and other expenses associated with research activities.

Donate to the Wilson Graduate Research Fund

Opportunities for Major Gifts

To learn more about investing in the future of our students, faculty, research, and more, please contact Paul Winterbotham.

Paul Winterbotham

Paul Winterbotham, Assistant Director of Development
LAS Office of Advancement
phone: (217) 300-9993