Additional Campus Affiliations
Principal Research Scientist, Behavioral Ecology, Illinois Natural History Survey
Recent Publications
Antonson, N. D., Schelsky, W. M., Tolman, D., Kilner, R. M., & Hauber, M. E. (2025). Niche Construction Through an Optimal Host Brood Size Is Supported in Brown-Headed Cowbirds: A Response to M. Soler. Ethology, 131(2), Article e13530.
Rudzki, E. N., Antonson, N. D., Jones, T. M., Schelsky, W. M., Trevelline, B. K., Hauber, M. E., & Kohl, K. D. (2024). Host avian species and environmental conditions influence the microbial ecology of brood parasitic brown-headed cowbird nestlings: What rules the roost? Molecular ecology, 33(6), Article e17289.
Scharf, H. M., Hauber, M. E., Blumentritt, E., & Schelsky, W. M. (2024). Sexual size dimorphism of brood-parasitic nestlings does not affect host chick survival, size or fledging phenology. Animal Behaviour, 217, 73-80.
Matthews, A. E., Boves, T. J., Sweet, A. D., Ames, E. M., Bulluck, L. P., Johnson, E. I., Johnson, M., Lipshutz, S. E., Percy, K. L., Raybuck, D. W., Schelsky, W. M., Tonra, C. M., Viverette, C. B., & Wijeratne, A. J. (2023). Novel insights into symbiont population structure: Globe-trotting avian feather mites contradict the specialist–generalist variation hypothesis. Molecular ecology, 32(19), 5260-5275.
Matthews, A. E., Boves, T. J., Percy, K. L., Schelsky, W. M., & Wijeratne, A. J. (2023). Population Genomics of Pooled Samples: Unveiling Symbiont Infrapopulation Diversity and Host–Symbiont Coevolution. Life, 13(10), Article 2054.