Research Interests
Environmental physiology, atmospheric change impacts on crops and natural vegetation, C4 photosynthesis, energy crops, mathematical models of photosynthesis
Research Description
Research topics:
- Environmental physiology including cold tolerance
- Global atmospheric change impacts on crops and natural vegetation
- C4 photosynthesis
- Biomass energy crops including Miscanthus and switchgrass
- Mathematical models of photosynthesis
The overall objectives of my research program are:
- To understand mechanisms of plant responses to both rising atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration and tropospheric ozone, with particular reference to photosynthesis and relating changes at the molecular and biochemical level to observations of whole systems in the field.
- Establish the potential of mitigation of atmospheric change through the development of herbaceous energy crops.
- Advance the development of accessible mechanistic mathematical models relating environmental effects on photosynthesis to plant productivity.
- To understand the limitations to C4 photosynthesis and the adaptation of the process to cooler climates. My lab integrates molecular and biochemical studies with physiological studies of photosynthesis, using state-of-the-art and custom built gas-exchange, fluorescence and controlled environment instrumentation. Much of the work involves developing and testing hypotheses on plant environmental responses under controlled conditions and then testing these in large-scale multi-partner field facilities.
The International journals Global Change Biology (Blackwell Science) and GCB Bioenergy are edited from my laboratory.
We have active research links with several global change laboratories within and outside the US, including Australia, Brazil, France, Italy, Japan, Switzerland and the U.K. A number of our laboratories graduate students have undertaken a part of their research at the overseas sites.
Ph.D. 1976, University of Leeds
B.Sc., 1972, University of Reading
Additional Campus Affiliations
Stanley O. Ikenberry Endowed Chair Emeritus, Plant Biology
Professor Emeritus, Plant Biology
Professor Emeritus, Crop Sciences
Recent Publications
Feyissa, B. A., de Becker, E. M., Salesse-Smith, C. E., Zhang, J., Yates, T. B., Xie, M., De, K., Gotarkar, D., Chen, M. S. S., Jawdy, S. S., Carper, D. L., Barry, K., Schmutz, J., Weston, D. J., Abraham, P. E., Tsai, C. J., Morrell-Falvey, J. L., Taylor, G., Chen, J. G., ... Muchero, W. (Accepted/In press). An orphan gene BOOSTER enhances photosynthetic efficiency and plant productivity. Developmental cell.
Pelech, E. A., Stutz, S. S., Wang, Y., Lochocki, E. B., & Long, S. P. (2025). Have We Selected for Higher Mesophyll Conductance in Domesticating Soybean? Plant Cell and Environment, 48(2), 1594-1607.
Salesse-Smith, C. E., Adar, N., Kannan, B., Nguyen, T., Wei, W., Guo, M., Ge, Z., Altpeter, F., Clemente, T. E., & Long, S. P. (2025). Adapting C4 photosynthesis to atmospheric change and increasing productivity by elevating Rubisco content in sorghum and sugarcane. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 122(8), Article e2419943122.
Salesse-Smith, C. E., Wang, Y., & Long, S. P. (2025). Increasing Rubisco as a simple means to enhance photosynthesis and productivity now without lowering nitrogen use efficiency. New Phytologist, 245(3), 951-965.
He, Y., Jaiswal, D., Long, S. P., Liang, X. Z., & Matthews, M. L. (2024). Biomass yield potential on U.S. marginal land and its contribution to reach net-zero emission. GCB Bioenergy, 16(2), Article e13128.