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Thomas Christian McElrath

Assistant Research Scientist, Entomology

Additional Campus Affiliations

Assistant Research Scientist, Entomology, Illinois Natural History Survey

Recent Publications

Caron, E., Monné, M. L., Ferreira, V. S., Costa, C., Cupello, M., Aloquio, S., Linzmeier, A. M., Vaz-De-mello, F. Z., Leivas, F. W. T., Souza-Gonçalves, I., Mermudes, J. R. M., Almeida, L. M., Moura, L. D. A., Júnior, N. F., Grossi, P. C., Vanin, S. A., Ślipiński, A., Anichtchenko, A., Newton, A. F., ... Tomaszewska, W. (2024). Coleoptera of Brazil: what we knew then and what we know now. Insights from the Catálogo Taxonômico da Fauna do Brasil. Zoologia, 41, Article e23072.

Davis, O. N., Molano-Flores, B., Li, Y. W., Allen, M. L., Davis, M. A., Parkos, J. J., McIntyre, S., Di Giovanni, A. J., McElrath, T. C., Carter, A., Evansen, M., Sheehan, C., & Gerber, L. R. (2024). A new metric for conducting 5-year reviews to evaluate recovery progress under the Endangered Species Act. Conservation Science and Practice, 6(8), Article e13158.

Davis, O. N., Molano-Flores, B., Li, Y. W., Allen, M. L., Davis, M. A., Mengelkoch, J. M., Parkos, J. J., Porreca, A. P., Fournier, A. M. V., Tiemann, J., Bried, J., Marcum, P. B., Carroll-Cunningham, C. J., Janssen, E. D., Ulaszek, E. F., McIntyre, S., Price, E. P. F., Nieset, J., Beveroth, T., ... Gerber, L. R. (2024). Tracking species recovery status to improve U.S. endangered species act decisions. Conservation Science and Practice, 6(8), Article e13159.

Millar, J. G., Williams, L., Serrano, J. M., McElrath, T. C., Zou, Y., Grommes-Yeager, A. C., Schoeppner, E., Huseth, A. S., Kuhar, T. P., Etzler, F. E., & Hanks, L. M. (2024). Identification of sex attractants for 6 North American click beetle species in 4 tribes of the Elateridae. Environmental entomology, 53(6), 973-980.

Clem, C. S., Hart, L. V., & Mcelrath, T. C. (2023). A century of Illinois hover flies (Diptera: Syrphidae): museum and citizen science data reveal recent range expansions, contractions, and species of potential conservation significance. Journal of Insect Science, 23(4), Article 13.

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