Additional Campus Affiliations
Assistant Professor, Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
Recent Publications
Chen, K., Kross, S. M., Parkins, K., Seewagen, C., Farnsworth, A., & Van Doren, B. M. (2024). Heavy migration traffic and bad weather are a dangerous combination: Bird collisions in New York City. Journal of Applied Ecology, 61(4), 784-796.
Lostanlen, V., Cramer, A., Salamon, J., Farnsworth, A., Van Doren, B. M., Kelling, S., & Bello, J. P. (2024). BirdVoxDetect: Large-Scale Detection and Classification of Flight Calls for Bird Migration Monitoring. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing, 32, 4134-4145.
Nussbaumer, R., Van Doren, B. M., Hochachka, W. M., Farnsworth, A., La Sorte, F. A., Johnston, A., & Dokter, A. M. (2024). Nocturnal avian migration drives high daily turnover but limited change in abundance on the ground. Ecography, 2024(9), Article e07107.
Ress, E. M., Farnsworth, A., Morris, S. R., Lanzone, M., & Van Doren, B. M. (2024). Magnolia Warbler flight calls demonstrate individuality and variation by season and recording location. Ornithology, 141(1), Article ukad056.
Van Doren, B. M., Farnsworth, A., Stone, K., Osterhaus, D. M., Drucker, J., & Van Horn, G. (2024). Nighthawk: Acoustic monitoring of nocturnal bird migration in the Americas. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 15(2), 329-344.