Title: Sport Fishing Educator
Employer: Indiana DNR
Previous Role: Assistant Fisheries Biologist, Indiana DNR
Clint loves to fish! He got a B.S. in Biology and an M.S. in Fish and Wildlife Ecology here at UIUC, and then went on to work for the Indiana Department of Natural Resources. He has been an intern, Fisheries Aide, Assistant Fisheries Biologist, and currently is the coordinator of the state's sport fishing education program. He gets to teach the public how to fish, and share his love of the outdoors, and gets paid for it!
Clint learned how to be an educator (and administrator) on the job, and is a great person to talk to about how to learn a skill without a formal degree (which most of us have to do!). Clint is also a great person to talk to if you love wildlife, or if you want to know what it’s like to be an environmental educator.
You can contact Clint directly at ckowalik@dnr.in.gov. Learn more about Clint at https://www.linkedin.com/in/clint-kowalik-b9881332/