Title: Founder
Employer: Consensus LLC
Prior Position: Market Reseach Analyst
After finishing his undergraduate biology degree, Grant stayed at Illinois to complete his Professional Science Master’s degree. He balanced his diverse interests, especially for science and business, by taking advantage of opportunities that made him stand out, such as becoming proficient in statistics and engaging in the community. He participated in student-lead business consulting groups, gained work experience in sales, and connected with people in the industry.
He has worked as a marketing analyst, in product development, as a market research analyst, and is now the founder of his own company, Consensus LLC. Grant currently helps businesses, typically in biotech and agriculture, identify best possible approaches in entering new markets. His service scope is broad and even spans into implementation and training.
Grant would be a great person to talk to about balancing and fostering diverse interests, launching your own company, and how to be proactive in gaining experience and skills for the job market. Contact Christina Swanson at alumnimentor@sib.illinois.edu if you would like to connect with Grant.