Title: Forensic Scientist Senior
Employer: County-Level Forensic Science Center
Previous Role: Forensic Scientist, Police Crime Laboratory
I am a DNA analyst and the casework CODIS Administrator for the lab. I analyze evidence that is suspected of containing body fluids, characterize those fluids, and obtain DNA profiles from them. I report my findings in written form, and occasionally in court. As the CODIS Administrator, I manage the lab's DNA database and upload and search DNA profiles through the state and federal DNA database.
My degree and experiences at Illinois gave me a solid foundation of knowledge and lab skills. The reputation that accompanied the Illinois degree opened doors into grad school and subsequent jobs.
If you are interested in a career in forensic science T.C. would be a great person to talk with. Contact Christina Swanson at alumnimentor@sib.illinois.edu if you would like to connect with T.C.