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Evolution, Ecology, and Behavior

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Playing a parasite for science

Postdoctoral researcher Mikus Abolins-Abols peers into the nest of an American robin.

Pointy eggs more likely to stay put in birds’ cliffside nests

Pointiness pays off for the eggs of cliff-dwelling birds, a new study reveals.

In darters, male competition drives evolution of flashy fins and bodies

A new study of orangethroat darters reveals that the males’ ability to recognize their own and other species drives the evolution of their bright display colors.

In responding to predation risk, secondhand experience can be as good as new

A new animal biology study of stickleback fish by Illinois animal biologist Alison Bell (left) and former Illinois doctoral student Laura Stein (right) shows that individuals show the same molecular and developmental responses to their own versus their parent’s exposure to predators

Two Illinois faculty members elected AAAS Fellows

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Seeing the world like a fish

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Some plants grow bigger – and meaner – when clipped, study finds

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Scientists discover spring-loaded mechanism in unusual species of trap-jaw ant

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Lizard blizzard survivors tell story of natural selection

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Brief interactions spur lasting waves of gene activity in the brain

A new study measured robust changes in brain gene expression for up to two hours after a three-spined stickleback fish encountered another fish.