Main Conceptual Flow |
Subconcepts |
Biological Example: Moth Color |
1. Observe/Question: |
Moths are hard to see when they rest on certain backgrounds; they are cryptic. |
2. Wonder/Speculate/Think: |
I wonder if cryptic coloration of moths hides them from predators. |
3. Generate Biological Hypothesis
Deduction (if....then logic) |
If cryptic coloration hides moths from predation, then number of survivors will be higher for moths with non-altered coloration than moths with altered coloration. |
4. Determine Experimental Design: A. Independent Variable(s)
Experiment: alter wing coloration (with neon spray paint) = treatment; |
B. Dependent Variable(s)
Categorical variable |
Dependent Variable = count of number of altered and non-altered moths recaptured and not recaptured |
C. Replicates |
Sample size per treatment |
Sample size = 100 moths/treatment |
5. Collect Data: | ||
6. Analyze Data: A. Create Data File |
B. Calculate Descriptive Statistics | Types of Distributions (Frequency distributions)
Descriptors of Central Tendencies of Distributions
C. Graph Data | Horizontal axis (x, independent variable) Vertical axis (y, dependent variable) Types of graphs
graph about moths |
D. Calculate Analytical (Comparative) Statistics | What is question? What is hypothesis? Choice of statistical test |
Difference between distributions ⇒χ2 contingency test |
Null Ho/Alternate H1
Ho: # non-altered recaptured = # altered recaptured H1: # non-altered recaptured > # altered recaptured |
Probability/Level of Significance Relate to SD + distributions Type I, II error | α = .05 (p<0.05 of rejecting true Ho) | |
Interpretation of statistical output | n.s. = non-significant; p > 0.05 Failure to reject null hypothesis (Ho) | |
7. Reach Conclusion: | Fail to reject Ho; Support for H1 No proof | No evidence that cyptic coloration hides moths from predators. |
Assumption may have been violated. | Predators may not see altered coloration as well as humans. Need to test that assumption. |