Studying abroad is an experiential learning opportunity that can build our global community and further your professional goals, all while still graduating on time. Scholarships are widely available. Where will your experiences take you?
Several reasons to study abroad include:
- A meaningful, shared experience with your Illinois peers
- Opportunity to explore a different country and culture
- Ability to earn Illinois credit that will count towards your IB major, thus keeping you on track to graduate on time
- Broaden your fields of study and courses beyond those here at Illinois
- Enhance your future applications to professional schools (i.e. medical school or graduate programs)
- Studying abroad in some countries is actually less expensive than Illinois tuition
- Personalized IB advising and support for study abroad with your IB Study Abroad Director
LAS-IB Study Abroad Programs
- IB in Vienna
- IB 496 Tropical Forest Ecology in Panama
- IB 496 Natural History of Coral Reefs
- SEA Semester
Funding and Scholarships
The College of LAS offers many resources on financial planning, financial aid, and scholarships. In addition to these resources, IB students are also eligible to apply for the Delcomyn International Study in Biology Award.
In 2008, Dr. Fred Delcomyn and Nancy A. Delcomyn established the “Delcomyn International Study in Biology Award” to benefit undergraduate students majoring in Integrative Biology who wish to take advantage of educational opportunities in biology outside the United States and Canada. Such activities may include but are not limited to research projects, intersession courses, or courses offered by the Organization of Tropical Studies, that are held outside of the United States of America
Eligibility for the Delcomyn Award:
- Current undergraduate student majoring in Integrative Biology or Integrative Biology Honors.
- A minimum GPA of 3.0.
- A research project approved by the SIB Director or acceptance to a course or conference outside the US or Canada.
- A statement (no longer than 2 pages) describing the research to be conducted and its significance, or the benefit applicant expects to receive by attending the international course or conference.
- A detailed budget. The budget should detail the cost of airfare and/or course costs. Funds will not be provided for lodging or meals.
- Letter of support from a faculty member.
- Applications will be reviewed throughout the year as they are received by the School of Integrative Biology administrative office (286 Morrill Hall or Applications will be accepted until funds for the year are exhausted.
Application Process:
Download the cover sheet (pdf) and submit the application electronically to the Undergraduate Awards Committee, Please use the subject line [YOUR NAME] 2023 Delcomyn Award. Questions may be directed to
To be eligible for LAS-IB Study Abroad programs, IB majors must:
- Meet specific program requirements (see individual program pages for all information)
- Be in good health and have the kind of flexibility & sensitivity to others that allows for successful adjustment to unfamiliar cultural settings
- Recommended semesters: spring of the third year or fall of the fourth year. Other options may be available depending on circumstances
LAS-IB study abroad programs are residential meaning students receive LAS advanced hours and residency credit for all coursework abroad. Additionally, students in LAS-IB programs take pre-approved courses that count toward the IB major, thus allowing students to stay on track for graduation.
Prior to applying, IB students interested in studying abroad are encouraged to meet with Director of Study Abroad Programs for SIB, Allison O’Dwyer. In this meeting, students receive tailored advising on program and course selection as well as course mapping for the remainder of their IB degree program. Students also receive financial planning and aid resources.
Application deadlines:
- Feb. 15 for fall and academic year programs
- Sept. 15 for spring semester programs