The School of Integrative Biology offers undergraduate students a range of opportunities outside of the classroom. Whether you're interested in conducting independent research, earning a certificate, studying abroad, or graduating with distinction, there are many options available to you!
Undergraduate Research
IB students can participate in the research being conducted in the laboratories of its faculty members and other affiliated researchers. This may involve anything from collecting data in the field to doing experiments in the lab. It may involve assisting a faculty member, postdoc, or senior graduate student with ongoing experiments or may involve independent research no one has ever undertaken before.
You can earn academic credit for your research by signing up for IB 290, IB 390, or IB 490 You must have the approval of the faculty member in whose laboratory you will work before doing this. You can also apply to graduate with a Distinction for Excellence in Research by presenting your work (see details below), or consider applying for a Distinguished Undergraduate Researcher Certificate through the Office of Undergraduate Research.
Distinction for Excellence in Research
To provide recognition of senior students in the Integrative Biology major who have demonstrated excellence in research while maintaining overall academic excellence, the School of Integrative Biology awards graduation honors of "Distinction for Excellence in Research" in three categories based on quality of research: Distinction, High Distinction, and Highest Distinction. The level of Distinction will be determined by the SIB Distinction Committee based on the written thesis, the oral or poster presentation, and the Advisor’s evaluation. The final transcript and diploma note if a student earned distinction and at what level.
Distinction for Excellence in Research
Study Abroad
Studying abroad is an experiential learning opportunity that can build our global community and further your professional goals, all while still graduating on time. Scholarships are widely available. Where will your experiences take you?
LAS-IB study abroad programs are residential meaning students receive LAS advanced hours and residency credit for all coursework abroad. Additionally, students in LAS-IB programs take pre-approved courses that count toward the IB major, thus allowing students to stay on track for graduation.
Prior to applying, IB students interested in studying abroad are encouraged to meet with Director of Study Abroad Programs for SIB, Allison O’Dwyer. In this meeting, students receive tailored advising on program and course selection as well as course mapping for the remainder of their IB degree program. Students also receive financial planning and aid resources.
Undergraduate Certificates
The School of Integrative Biology Undergraduate Certificate Programs offers students the opportunity to obtain recognition for completing coursework that provides foundational understanding in a variety of areas. Many of the certificates are jointly administered by SIB and collaborating units across campus, and students can use this credential on any resumé or application for advanced study.
Certificates are available in the following areas: Animal Behavior, Biology of Global Change, Forensic Science, Infection Biology, Integrative Health, and Computational Science and Engineering.
LAS Merit Program
The Merit Program is a challenging program for a select group of undergraduates. The program targets students with high potential who are members of groups, such as ethnic minorities and women, who tend to be underrepresented in the areas of science, mathematics and engineering. The program also targets students from small high schools. The Merit Program is not a remedial program. To be invited into the program, students must have high academic potential and be committed to excellence.
One of our main goals in the Merit Program is to develop a community of scholars among the Merit students. The students in our program work together to solve difficult course problems, develop friendships based on common academic interests, and inspire each other to maintain a high level of commitment to excellence.