Almut Jones. Plant Systematist. Almut received her B.S. degree with high honors in agriculture from the University of Illinois in 1958. She completed her M.S. degree in botany with a minor in agronomy from the UI in 1960. In 1973, Almut received her Ph.D. from the Botany Department at the UI specializing in plant taxonomy with a minor in agronomy. During her career, she held various positions in plant biology, ultimately becoming curator of the UI Herbarium, a position she held until her retirement. Her field of research centered on the plant genus, Aster. She published many papers about the systematics of this large, complicated group of species and was recognized nationally and internationally as an authority on Aster.
Research and teaching in the plant sciences began at Illinois with the University's founding in 1867. A quarter century later, a Department of Botany was formally established and our first Ph.D. was minted in 1909. Fifty years on, we uprooted our headquarters from its ancestral home in the Natural History Building and transplanted it across Matthews Street to Morrill Hall where it thrives today. In 1983, we updated our name to Plant Biology.
But history is not made by dates and buildings. It is made by people: inspired individuals who establish, maintain and grow traditions and reputations by creating the kind of scholarly and collegial atmosphere that attracts more like themselves. Here we honor the biologists upon whose shoulders the current members of the University of Illinois Plant Biology Department stand.
This project is just beginning. Information missing below will be added as time and resources allow. But our story will always be a work in progress. Memory of our past and passed colleagues' accomplishments fades all too quickly as we focus on the present and future. We invite visitors who happen upon these pages to share information or images appropriate for us to include here.

C. John Whitmarsh Biophysicist. Ph.D., Harvard U., 1975. Professor and Director, Center for Biophysics & Computational Biology, UIUC. Member, USDA/ARS Photosynthesis Research Unit, UIUC. NIH Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, National Institute of General Medical Sciences, NIH. Research: "...the molecular mechanism of energy conversion by photosynthetic membranes". Co-author (w/Govindjee) of the web's best freely accessible review of photosynthesis: The Photosynthetic Process.

Daniel R. Bush Physiologist. Ph.D., U. Cal. Berkeley, 1984. Asst. Prof - Professor, 1988-2003; Director of Plant Molecular & Physiological Biology Program, 1997-2003; Professor & Chair, Dept. of Biology, Colorado State U. President, American Society of Plant Biologists, 2002-2003. Research: Control of assimilate partitioning between source and sink tissues; mechanisms of carrier-mediated transport; regulation of transport activity.

Dennis E. Buetow (1932- ) Physiologist. Ph.D., UCLA, 1959. Research: Control of expression of nuclear and organellar proteins. Author, Biology of Euglena: Subcellular Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, 1982, 1989.

Daniel L. Nickrent Systematist. B.S., SIU, Carbondale, 1977. M.S., Old Dominion U., 1979. Ph.D., Miami U. (Ohio), 1984. Assistant Professor and Director of Herbarium, 1984-1990. Assistant, Associate, Professor, SIU Carbondale, 1990-present. Research: Systematics of parasitic plants.

William L. Ogren Physiologist. B.S., U. Wisconsin, 1961. Director, USDA/ARS Photosynthesis Research Unit, UIUC. Member, National Academy of Sciences. Recipient, ASPB Charles F. Kettering Award for Excellence in Photosynthesis Research, 1986. Recipient, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Award, 1990. President, ASPB, 1990-91. Inductee, ARS Science Hall of Fame, 1997. Research: Regulation, enzymology and specificity of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase oxygenase (RUBISCO).

Larry N. Vanderhoef Physiologist. B.S., M.S., U. Wisconsin, Milwaukee. Ph.D., Purdue U. Department Head, UIUC. Provost, U. Maryland College Park. Vice-Chancellor, Provost, Chancellor, U California, Davis, 1994-present. Research: Hormonal control of plant development.

Tuan-hua David Ho (1948- ) Physiologist. B.S., National Taiwan U., 1976. Ph.D., Michigan State U., 1976. Asst. Prof, UIUC, 1978-84. Assoc & Professor, Washington U (St. Louis), 1984-present. Assoc. Chair, Biology, Washington U, 1998-2003. Director & Dist. Res. Fellow, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, 2003-present. President, American Society of Plant Biologists, 2009-2010. Fellow, American Assoc. Adv. Science, 2004. Research: GA, ABA, and stress-regulated gene expression.

Charles Arntzen Professor and Department Head. Member, USDA/ARS Photosynthesis Research Unit. Recipient, ASPB Albert Schull Award, 1979 " for investigations of the development of chloroplasts and the structure and function of their membranes";. Member, National Academy of Sciences, 1983. Recipient, ASPB Dennis Robert Hoagland Award, 1994. Director, MSU/DOE Plant Research Laboratory, 1980-84. President, ASPB, 1985-6. Co-Director, Center for Infectious Diseases & Vaccinology, Biodesign Institute and Florence Ely Nelson Presidential Chair, Arizona State U., 2003-7.

Fred Meins (1942- ) Developmentalist. B.S., U. Chicago, 1964. Ph.D., Rockefeller U., 1969. Asst. Prof., Princeton U., 1969-76. Assoc., Prof., UIUC, 1976-82. Professor, Friedrich Miescher Institute in Basel, Switzerland, 1982-present. Trained Jamie Thomson, Jeff Harper, Shauna Sommerville and Alan Jones.

Theodore Delevoryas (1929- ) Paleobotanist. B.S., U. Mass., 1950. M.S., Ph.D., UIUC, 1951, 1954. Associate Curator, Paleobotany Division, Peabody Museum, Yale U. 1962-72. U. Texas Austin. Editor-in-Chief, Am. J. Bot., 1985-89. Winner, Guggenheim Award, 1964. President, Bot. Soc. Am., 1974. Co-author, Morphology of Plants & Fungi (w/ CJ Alexopooulos & HC Bold), 1987. Author, Plant Diversification, 1977; Morphology & Evolution of Fossil Plants, 1962.

John B. ("Jack") Hanson (1918-2006) Department Head, 1967-85; 1980 recipient of ASPB's Charles Reid Barnes Life Membership Award; 1989 winner of ASPB Adolph E. Gude, Jr. Award, "for outstanding service to the discipline of plant physiology as a scientist, educator, and administrator and for contributing time, expertise, and wisdom to the American Society of Plant Physiologists." Author of the acclaimed "History of the American Society of Plant Physiologists".

Fakhri Al-Bazzaz (1933-2008) Ecologist. B.S., Baghdad U., 1953. M.S., Ph.D., UIUC, 1963. Asst., Assoc, Prof., UIUC, 1966-84. Acting Director, UIUC School of Life Sciences, 1983-4. Prof, H.H. Timken Prof., Mallinckrodt Prof., Harvard U., 1984-2005. Lifetime member, Hall of Faculty, Cambridge U., 1981. Fellow, Guggenheim Foundation, 1988. Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1990. Recipient, Humboldt Research Prize, Germany, 1996; King Faisal Prize for Biology, 2000. Co-signer, 1997 letter to Pres. Clinton and VP Al Gore on dangers of climate change and need to take action. Recipient, LAS Alumni Achievement Award, UIUC, 2003.

John S. Boyer Physiologist. B.S., Swarthmore Col. M.S., U. Wisconsin, 1961. Ph.D., Duke U., 1964. Asst., Assoc., Prof., Department Head, UIUC, 1966-84. Prof., U. Texas A&M, 1984-87. Prof., E.I. Dupont Prof. Emeritus, U. Delaware, 1987-present. President, ASPB, 1981-2. Recipient, ASPB Charles Albert Shull Award, 1977, "for outstanding contributions in the field of water relations". Member, National Academy of Sciences, 1990. Recipient, ASPB Charles Reid Barnes Life Membership Award, 2007.

Willard William Payne (1937-) Systematist, Morphologist, Cytologist, Taxonomist. B.S., Alma Col, 1955. M.S. Ohio U., 1957. Ph.D., U. Michigan, 1962. Assoc. Res. Botanist, U. Michigan, 1962-64. Asst. Prof., UIUC, 1964-70. U. Florida, Fairchild Tropical Garden, 1970-2000. Chair, Exec. Bd., Am. Soc. Plant Taxonomists, Section for Am. Systematic Collections, 1972. Co-author, The Plant World, (w. HJ Fuller, ZB Carothers & MK Balbach), 1972. Authority on plants injurious to animals, Ambrosia (ragweed) and plant trichomes.

Roderick A. F. MacLeod (1937-2007) Virologist. Prof., UIUC, 1964-2007.

Manfred Eliezer ("Elie") Reichmann Virologist. M.S., Hebrew U., 1949. Ph.D., Hebrew U., 1951. USPHS Postdoc, Harvard, 1951-3. Prof., U. British Columbia, 1955-64. Prof., UIUC, 1964-.

Larry R. Hoffman Phycologist. B.S., Iowa State U., 1958. PhD. U. Texas, 1961. NSF Postdoc, Manton/UK, 1961. Asst. Prof., UIUC, 1962. Winner, Debarker Prize of Botanical Society of America,1974 "for his account of fertilization in the Chlorophycean alga Oedogonium, spanning plasmogamy, polyspermy and karyogamy. He has provided perhaps the most complete description of karyogamy in any alga to date. greatly adding to our information concerning this significant event in plants in general."

Dominick Joseph Paolillo Jr. (1936- ) Bryologist. B.S., Cornell U., 1958. Ph.D., U California Davis, 1962. Instructor, UIUC, 1961-62. Asst., Assoc., Prof., UIUC, 1962-70. Authority on plastid ultrastructure.

Lawrence Carroll ("Larry") Bliss Ecologist. B.S., Kent State U., 1951. M.S., Kent State U., 1953. Ph.D., Duke U., 1956. Instructor, Bowling Green State U., 1956-7. Instructor, Asst. Prof, Assoc. Prof., UIUC, 1961-. Prof., U. Alberta. Prof., U. Washington. Authority on alpine & arctic ecology. Graduate advisor to Fakhri Bazzaz. Co-author, A Laboratory Manual for Botany (w/ Margaret Balbach).

Dale Marriott Steffensen (1922- ) Cytogeneticist. B.A., UCLA, 1948. Ph.D., UC Berkeley, 1952. Geneticist, Brookhaven Nat. Lab, 1952-60. Assoc Prof., Prof., UIUC, 1961-73. Research Nuclear and plastid chromosome structure, replication, breakage and repair.

Herbert Stern (1918-98) Cell biologist. B.S., McGill U., 1940. Ph.D., McGill U., 1946. Lecturer, U. Witwatersrand, S. Africa, 1948-49. Head, Biochemical Cytology, Canadian Dept. Agriculture, 1955-60. Professor, UIUC, 1960-65. Professor, UC San Diego, 1965-98, Chair of Biology, UCSD, 1967-75, 1983-86. Research: Description and control of meiosis, famously developing (with Ito and Hotta), as a model system, the lily Trillium erectum, in which meiosis occurs extraordinarily slowly and synchronously in many cells simultaneously, and in predictable coordination with the overall growth of the flower bud.

Zane Bland Carothers (1924-2005) Anatomist, Bryologist. B.S., Temple U., 1950. M.Ed., Temple U., 1952. Ph.D., U. Michigan, 1958. Instructor, U. Kentucky, 1957-59. Asst., Assoc., Prof., UIUC, 1959-91. Co-author, The Plant World, 4th & 5th Ed (w/H Fuller). Expert electron microscopist and meticulous draftsman with a passion for ultrastructural details of the reproductive apparatus of members of the genus Marchantia. Also co-authored (with student David Haas) much-cited paper on maize endodermis structure and development. Mentored Gerald Kreitner, Dorothy Zinsmeister and John Moser.

Donald Phillip Rogers (1908-2001) Mycologist. B.A., Oberlin Col, 1929. M.A., U. Nebraska, 1930. Ph.D., U. Iowa, 1935. Instructor, Oregon State Col, 1936-40. Instructor, Brown U., 1941-2. Assoc. Prof, American Int'l Col, 1942-45. Asst. Prof., U. Hawaii, 1945-7. Curator, Cryptogamic Herbarium, NY Bot. Garden, 1947-57. Professor, UIUC, 1957-76. Editor, Mycologia, 1958-60. Curator, Mycological Specimens, UIUC Mycological Herbarium, 1957-76.

Paul C. Silva (1922- ) Morphologist, Phycologist. M.S., Stanford U., 1946. Ph.D., UC Berkeley, 1951. Asst. Prof., UIUC, 1952-60. Research Botanist and Curator of Phycological Collections, U California Herbarium (Berkeley), 1960-present. Published, edited and presented extensively and meticulously on California coastal phycology and that of the world's oceans, with a particular focus on Codium. Conceived Index Nominum Algarum, phycological equivalent of Index Kewensis. Compiled a catalog of over 40,000 diatoms.

Lawrence Ray Heckard (1923-91) Taxonomist. B.S., Oregon State U, 1948. Ph.D., UIUC, 1955. Taxonomy instructor, 1955-60. Staff member, then Curator, Jepson Herbarium and Library (Berkeley), 1960-91. Authority on Scrophulariaceae of California. Initiated revision of Jepson's Manual of the Flowering Plants of California, but did not live to see its publication in 1993. President, California Botanical Society, 1971. Fellow, California Native Plant Society, 1988. Fellow, California Academy of Science, 1970.

Lindsay MacLeod Black (1907-1997) Virologist. B.S., U. British Col., 1929. PhD., Cornell, 1936. Curator, Brooklyn Bot. Garden, 1946-52. Assist., Assoc., Prof, UIUC, 1952-75. Fellow, American Phytopathological Society, 1966. Recipient, APS Ruth Allen Award, 1978. Founding editor of the journal Virology. Research: One of first to demonstrate that some plant viruses multiply inside their insect vectors. While working as Black's research associate, Myron K Brakke, invented density gradient centrifugation as means to purify reoviruses and tospoviruses. UIUC Library Archives.

George Neville Jones (1903-1970) Botanist, Taxonomist. B.S., State Col Washington, 1930. M.S., 1932. Ph.D., U. Washington, 1937 (from which the popular Flowering Plants & Ferns of Mt. Rainier). Instructor & Technical Assistant, Arnold Arboretum, 1937-39. Guggenheim Fellow, 1944. Instructor, Assist., Assoc., Prof., UIUC, 1950-1965. Curator of Herbarium, 1942-68. Wrote numerous floras and doubled the size of UIUC Herbarium collection during his tenure as its director.

John Raphael Laughnan (1919-1994) Geneticist. B.S., U. Wisconsin, 1942. PhD., U. Missouri, 1946. Asst. Prof., Princeton U., 1946-8. Assistant, Associate, Professor, UIUC, 1949-1990. Dept Head, 1955-59, 1963-65. Guggenheim Fellow, 1960-61. Founder, annual Maize Genetics conference, 1959. Discoverer (a by-product of his research on genetics of carbohydrate metabolism) of shrunken-2 mutation responsible for stable sweetness of popular Super-Sweet corn. Primary research: Non-Mendelian (cytoplasmic) inheritance. Our annual John R. Laughnan Travel Awards were endowed by John's wife and longtime collaboratory, Susan Gabay Laughnan, in recognition of John's co-founding and support of the Annual Maize Meetings.

James Francis Nance (1915-2003) Physiologist. B.A., 1937. M.A., 1939. Ph.D., U. Cal. Berkeley, 1946. Instructor, Research Associate, U. Wisconsin, 1946-1948. Assist. & Assoc. Professor, UIUC, 1948-73. Research: Nitrate assimilation and IAA activities.

Marcus C. Morton Rhoades (1903-91) Maize Geneticist. Assoc. Prof, Columbia U., 1940-48. Professor, UIUC, 1948-58. Professor (Chair of Botany, 1958-68), Indiana U., 1958-73. Co-founder of Maize Genetics Cooperation. Awardee, Thomas Hunt Morgan Medial of Genetics Society, 1981. Member, National Academy of Science. Fellow, American Philosophical Society & American Academy of Arts & Sciences, Royal Danish Academy of Science & Letters, 1977. Research: Transposable elements, meiotic chromosome behavior and non-Mendelian inheritance in maize. UIUC Archives. Wikipedia.

Wilson ("Bill") Nichols Stewart (1917-2004) Paleobotanist. B.S., U. Wisconsin, 1939. M.S., UIUC, 1946. Ph.D., U. Wisconsin, 1947. Instructor, Asst., Assoc., Prof., UIUC, 1947-1964. Dept. Chair, UIUC, 1959-63. Offered first paleobotany course in 1948. Co-author, Laboratory Manual for General Botany, 1956 (w/ Harry Fuller); Paleobotany and the Evolution of Plants, 1993 (w/ Gar W. Rothwell). Said to have mentored five generations of paleontologists. Specialized in Pennsylvanian age medullosan seed ferns, with a decidedly evolutionary, rather than merely descriptive, emphasis. UIUC Archives.

Eugene I. Rabinowitch (1901-1973) Physiologist. Ph.D., U. Berlin, 1924. Res. Assoc., Kaiser Wilhelm Inst., Berlin, 1929-33. Res. Assoc., Inst. Theor. Physics, Copenhagen, 1933-4. U. Col., London, 1934-7. Res. Assoc., MIT, 1938-43. Manhattan Project, 1943-47 (but read here). Asst., Assoc., Prof., UIUC, 1947-68. Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Recipient, ASPB Charles F. Kettering Award for Excellence in Photosynthesis Research, 1967. First to recognize "Z" path of photosynthetic energy (hence, the "Z-Scheme"), among many other aspects of the bioenergetics of photosynthesis. UIUC Archives.

Robert Emerson (1903-1959) Physiologist. Great-grandson of Ralph Waldo Emerson's older brother. M.S., Harvard, 1925. Ph.D., U. Berlin, 1927 (under Otto Von Warburg). Asst., Assoc., Cal. Inst. Tech., 1930-41. Prof., UIUC, 1946-1959. Member, National Academy of Sciences. Recipient, ASPB Stephen Hales Prize, 1948 "for his many important contributions to the study of the photosynthetic mechanism". Remembered, among other discoveries, for "establishing the concept of 'the photosynthetic unit', (for) establishing that the minimum quantum yield of oxygen evolution is 8-10 quanta per oxygen evolved, and (for) the two-light reaction, two-photosystem concept of photosynthesis" (-Govindjee). UIUC Archives.

Leland Shanor (1914-1993) Mycologist. B.A., Maryville Col. 1935. M.A., U. North Carolina, 1937. Ph.D., U. North Carolina, 1939. Instructor, Clemson Col, 1939. Fellow, AAAS, 1940. Assistant Professor, UIUC, 1946. Professor & Curator of Mycological Collections, UIUC, 1951-56. Guggenheim Fellow, 1951. President, Mycological Society, 1954. Professor, Chair of Biological Sciences, Dean of Advanced Studies, Florida State U., 1956-65. Professor & Chair of Botany, U. Florida, 1965-85.

Oswald Tippo (1912-1999) B.S., Mass State Col., 1932. Ph.D., Harvard, 1937. Prof., Dept Chair, Dean of Graduate Col., UIUC, 1937-55. Eaton Prof. of Botany, Yale, 1955-60. Provost, U. Colorado, 1960-63. Dean, Arts & Sciences, NYU, 1963. Provost, U. Mass. Amherst, 1964-70. First Chancellor, U. Mass. Amherst, 1970. Commonwealth Prof. of Biology., U. Mass Amherst, 1971-82. Fellow, American Academy of Arts & Sciences. Member, Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. President, Bot. Soc. Am., 1955. Co-authored popular College Botany, 1949 (w/ Harry Fuller).

Neil Everett Stevens (1887-1949) Mycologist, Pathologist. B.A., Bates Col, 1908. Ph.D., Yale, 1911. Instructor, Kansas Col., 1911-12. Pathologist, Bureau of Plant Industry, USDA, 1912-30. Senior Pathologist, Plant Disease Survey, 1930-1933. Adjunct Prof., George Washington U, 1931-6. Professor, UIUC, 1936-49. President, Am. Phytopathological Society, 1931. President, Botanical Society of America, 1946. Expert on fungal diseases including early work on Chestnut Blight and especially on diseases of cranberries. To his students: "Keep your mind in meristem condition" (attributed to Iowa botanist Charles. E. Bessey).

Constantine John ("Dr. Alex") Alexopoulos (1907-1986) Mycologist, Plant Pathologist. B.S., UIUC, 1927. M.S., UIUC, 1928. Ph.D., UIUC, 1932. Lecturer, UIUC, 1934-5. Instructor, Asst., Assoc., Kent State U., 1935-43. Prof., Michigan State U., 1947-56. Prof., U. Iowa, 1956-62. Prof., U. Texas, 1962-76, where he turned out >1 Ph.D. per year. President, Mycological Society (1958-9) and Botanical Society 1963). Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1976. Original author of the classic, Introductory Mycology, 1952, 1962.

Harry J. Fuller (1907-1973) B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Washington U., St. Louis, 1929, 1930, 1933. Professor, UIUC, 1932-58. Editor-in-Chief, Am. J. Bot., 1957-8. Honorary President, Botanical Society, 1959. Authored popular botany text The Plant World (1955); co-authored popular College Botany with Oswald Tippo (1949); Outline of Economic Botany (1939); Laboratory Manual for General Botany (with Wilson Stewart, 1956). Famously charismatic teacher who mentored, among others, Arthur Galston and Martin Gibbs (longtime editor of Plant Physiology). Passionate advocate for educational reform.

John Theodore Buchholz (1888-1951). Morphologist, Embryologist, Geneticist. B.S., Ohio Wesleyan Col, 1909. M.S., U. Chicago, 1914. Ph.D., U. Chicago, 1917. Professor, UIUC, 1929-51. Department Head and Curator of Herbarium, 1938-42. Fellow, Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci, 1921. President, Bot. Soc. Am., 1941. Daughter and noted artist, Olive Miriam Buchholz Parmelee, painted portrait of Charles F. Hottes as well an unidentified gentleman presumed to be her father (at right, holding a sequoia cone, his research material).

Arthur Gibson Vestal (1888-1964) Botanist, Ecologist. B.A., UIUC, 1911. M.A., U. Colorado. Fellow, U. Chicago, 1914-5. Ph.D., U. Chicago, 1915. Instructor, U. Colorado, 1911-14. Instructor, Eastern IL State Normal, 1915-20. Asst. Prof., Stanford, 1920-29. Assoc. Prof, UIUC, 1929-40. Prof., UIUC, 1940-57. Secretary, Ecological Society of America, 1934-5. Noted ecologist Robert H. Whitaker considered him his "second advisor". His wife, Wanda May Pfeiffer Vestal, Ph.D., U. Chicago, 1908, Instructor, UIUC, ca. 1943. UIUC Archives.

Stella Mary Hague Bryologist. B.S., Rockford Col., 1908. Ph.D., U. Chicago, 1911. Dissertation: A Morphological Study of Diospyros virginiana. Instructor, UIUC, 1915-38. Associate, UIUC, 1940-42. President, Sigma Delta Epsilon/Graduate Women In Science (SDE/GWIS), 1929. Board of Directors, SDE/GWIS, 1948. Recipient, GWIS Certificate of Outstanding Service to Science, 1951. Dr. Hague was the department's resident bryology authority and instructor, finally promoted to Associate shortly before her retirement around 1942.

Frank Lincoln Stevens (1871-1934) Mycologist. B.S., Hobart Col., 1893. M.S., Rutgers Col, 1897. Ph.D., U. Chicago, 1900. Instructor, Professor, North Carolina Col. Ag. & Mech. Arts, -1912. Dean, College of Agriculture, U. Porto Rico, 1912-14. Professor, UIUC, 1914-34. Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science. Co-author, Diseases of Economic Plants (w/ J.G.Hall), first handbook of plant diseases published in America, The Fungi Which Cause Plant Disease, and Agriculture for Beginners (w/ CW Burkett & DH Hill), 1903.

Walter Byron McDougall (1883-1980) Ecologist. B.A., U. of Michigan, 1911. Ph.D., U. of Michigan, 1913. Asst., Assoc., Prof., UIUC, 1913-1929. Naturalist, National Park Service, 1929-1955. Curator of Botany, Museum of Northern Arizona (MNA, Flagstaff), 1955-1980. Author, Plant Ecology, 1927, the first textbook of its kind; also, Plants of Yellowstone National Park, 1936, Seed Plants of Northern Arizona and Grand Canyon Wild Flowers, 1964. Charter member, Ecological Society of America. Awarded ESA’s Eminent Ecologist award, 1977. Under his curatorship, the MNA Herbarium grew from 7000 specimens to over 26,000.

William Trelease (1857-1945) Botanist, Entomologist, Explorer, Educator. B.S., Cornell , 1880. Instructor, Harvard, 1880-81. Instructor, then Professor, U. Wisconsin, 1881-85. Engelmann Professor of Botany, Washington U., St. Louis, 1885-1913. Director, Missouri Botanical Garden, 1889-1912. Professor and Department Head, UIUC, 1913-1926. Member, National Academy of Sciences. UIUC Herbarium Curator, 1912-1916. President, Botanical Society of America, 1894, 1918. Liberty Hyde Bailey wrote an obituary. Trelease Woods was named for him. UIUC Archives.

Henry Allen Gleason (1882-1975) Ecologist. B.A. & M.A., UIUC. Ph.D., Columbia U, 1906. Instructor of our first ecology course, 1906-10. Prof., U. Michigan. Co-author Natural Geography of Plants and Manual of Vascular Plants of Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada (both w/ A. Cronquist). NY Bot Garden, 1930-50. H. A. Gleason Award now given for publication in plant taxonomy, ecology or geography. President, Am. Bot. Soc., 1948. Charter Member, Ecol. Soc. Am. Co-founder, Botanical Review, 1935. Considered a "Father of Ecology". Proponent of Individualistic Concept of plant association and succession.

Charles Frederick Hottes (1870-1966) Physiologist, Cytologist. B.S., U. Illinois 1894. M.S., U. Illinois 1895. Ph.D., U. of Bonn (Germany), 1901. Assistant, 1895-99. Instructor, 1901-2. Asst. Prof., 1902-13. Prof., 1913-38. Department Head, 1926-38. Recipient, ASPB Charles Reid Barnes Life Membership Award, 1932. Portrait by Olive Miriam Buchholz Parmelee.

Thomas Jonathan Burrill (1839-1916) Mycologist, Plant Pathologist. B.S., Illinois State Normal U. 1865. Ph.D., U. Chicago, 1881. Urbana Public Schools Superintendent, 1865-8. Botanist on Maj. J. Wesley Powell's Rockies expedition, 1867. Professor of Botany and Horticulture, UIUC, 1868-1912. Vice-president, Illinois State Natural History Survey, 1878-9. UIUC Herbarium Curator, 1890-1912. Acting President, UIUC, 1891-4. President, American Microscopical Society, 1885-6. President, Society of American Bacteriologists, 1916. Burrill's identification of the bacterial cause of Pear Blight earned him recognition as one of the founders of Plant Pathology. UIUC Archives.