Contact Information
Urbana, IL 61801
Additional Campus Affiliations
Associate Professor, Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
Affiliate, Illinois Natural History Survey
Recent Publications
García, S. M., Curtis, A. N., Hartman, J. H., Reinhofer, J. P., Sawyer, E. K., & Larson, E. R. (2024). Does Crayfish Molting Affect Environmental DNA Detectability? Freshwater Crayfish, 29(1), 37-48.
García, S. M., Chun, C. L., Dumke, J., Hansen, G. J. A., Quebedeaux, K. B., Rounds, C., Totsch, A., & Larson, E. R. (2024). Environmental DNA storage and extraction method affects detectability for multiple aquatic invasive species. Environmental DNA, 6(3), Article e557.
Hartman, J. H., Corush, J., Larson, E. R., Tiemann, J. S., Willink, P. W., & Davis, M. A. (2024). Niche conservatism and spread explain introgression between native and invasive fish. Molecular ecology, 33(11), Article e17363.
Hartman, J. H., Davis, M. A., Iacaruso, N. J., Tiemann, J. S., & Larson, E. R. (2024). Stable isotopes and diet metabarcoding reveal trophic overlap between native and invasive Banded Killifish (Fundulus diaphanus) subspecies. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 107(9), 997-1015.
Picq, S., Curtis, A. N., George, A., Larson, E. R., Thompson, M. E., Willink, P. W., McMahan, C. D., & de Souza, L. S. (2024). Environmental DNA metabarcoding for whole community inventories of vertebrates in rivers of the midwestern United States. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 39(1), Article 2382454.