Contact Information
505 S. Goodwin Ave
Urbana, IL 61801
Research Interests
Chemical ecology and conservation biological control
Additional Campus Affiliations
Professor, Entomology
External Links
Recent Publications
Arriola, K., Silva, W. D., Hanks, L. M., Meier, L. R., & Millar, J. G. (2024). A Polyketide Male-Produced Aggregation-Sex Pheromone Shared by the North American Cerambycid Beetle Graphisurus fasciatus and the South American Cerambycid Eutrypanus dorsalis. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 50(7-8), 338-350. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10886-024-01505-x
Halloran, S., Zou, Y., Arriola, K., Roepke, R., Hanks, L. M., & Millar, J. G. (2024). Methionol as an aggregation-sex pheromone of the desert-dwelling beetle Eustromula valida (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Environmental entomology, 53(1), 101-107. Article nvad123. https://doi.org/10.1093/ee/nvad123
Lee, S., Millar, J. G., Hanks, L. M., Spichiger, S. E., Kang, K. S., & Bai, M. (2024). Field trials of pheromone blends of longhorned beetles in South Korea. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology, 27(1), Article 102175. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aspen.2023.102175
Millar, J. G., Williams, L., Serrano, J. M., McElrath, T. C., Zou, Y., Grommes-Yeager, A. C., Schoeppner, E., Huseth, A. S., Kuhar, T. P., Etzler, F. E., & Hanks, L. M. (2024). Identification of sex attractants for 6 North American click beetle species in 4 tribes of the Elateridae. Environmental entomology, 53(6), 973-980. https://doi.org/10.1093/ee/nvae077
Rice, M. E., Zou, Y., Millar, J. G., & Hanks, L. M. (2024). Effects of deploying ethanol lures in tandem with generic pheromone lures for attraction of cerambycid beetles in field bioassays. Journal of economic entomology, 117(3), 1001-1009. Article toae059. https://doi.org/10.1093/jee/toae059