The Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology has announced this year’s winners of its research image contest. They include undergraduate and graduate researchers, a research staff member, a faculty member, and two graduate students who have been researching the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes COVID-19. A team of Beckman administrators blind-judged the entries on their visual and research appeal.
“Every year, I’m amazed at the quality of both the research being conducted, and the beautiful images that result,” said Beckman Institute Director Jeff Moore. “As more people return to our building after long absences caused by COVID-19, I’m looking forward to seeing these images in person. They’re a great reminder of Beckman’s commitment to interdisciplinary, barrier-breaking research.”
Shreyas Rajagopalan, a junior majoring in integrative biology honors and clinical psychology, won the contest for the Undergraduate student category. "This scanning electron microscope image of the tibia of the Emocasca leafhopper allows for a better understanding of its topography. The small spikes may represent sensory receptors that help the leafhopper detect vibrations. The image clearly illustrates how the brochosomes (the small dots) and topography are laid out. This helps our lab’s research because we can see how the topography may affect the number of brochosomes found on various bodily structures on leafhoppers."
Rajagopalan is also a Beckman Institute Undergraduate Fellow.