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School of Integrative Biology

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Plant Biology's Li-Qing to serve as Principal Investigator in new global partnernship

A new research initiative is investigating how maize and rice use light, water, and nutrients more efficiently, with the goal of developing higher-yield, more resilient crops. The Strategic Interventions for Sustainable Yield Increase in Maize and Rice (SUYIMAR) project, backed by ...

EEB professor and postdoctoral research associate featured in US-SCAR interview

The United States Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (US-SCAR) provides a interview series that features a senior investigator and pairs them with a postdoc mentee. For their most recent edition, EEB Professor C. -H. Christina...

New study unveils comprehensive checklist of Arkansas’ stoneflies: a vital resource for biodiversity research

As part of entomology graduate student Lily Hart’s research in the DeWalt Lab, a detailed checklist of stoneflies (Plecoptera) in...

Researchers find impact of melatonin on the successful infection of Daphnia dentifera by Metschnikowia bicuspidata

An undergraduate researcher from the Cáceres Lab recently investigated the role of melatonin on the disease dynamics between freshwater crustacean Daphia dentifera­­­­­­­­­—commonly known as the water flea—and fungal parasite Metschnikowia bicuspidata. The results were published...

Lisa Ainsworth named RIPE Director

CHAMPAIGN, Ill. —  Lisa Ainsworth has been named Director of the internationally acclaimed Realizing Increased Photosynthetic Efficiency project, which is led by the University of Illinois. "Lisa is...

LAS celebrates alumni achievement

Seven alumni of the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences will receive recognition during the college’s 2025 alumni awards at a celebration in April. They are researchers, volunteers, and political thinkers who have made incredible impacts in their fields and communities.   Doug...

42nd Annual Insect Fear Film Festival

The 42nd Annual Insect Fear Film Festival (IFFF) will be held on Saturday, February 22, 2025, at Foellinger Auditorium, on the campus of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Hosted by the Entomology Graduate Students Association in the Department of Entomology at the...

College of LAS honors staff and academic professionals, announcing teaching and advising award winners for outstanding contributions.

The College of LAS has selected 16 professors, graduate students, lecturers, and advisors as the recipients of the 2025 teaching and advising rewards. Additionally, earlier in the year the college announced it was recognizing seven staff members and academic professionals for their outstanding...

First-Ever Conceptual Model Explains Variations in Agricultural N2O Emissions

Nitrous oxide (N2O) has long been agriculture’s sustainability Achilles heel. While only making up 6% of U.S. greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, N2O has 300 times the heat-trapping ability ofcarbon dioxide (CO2) and stays in the atmosphere for about...

Long/Ort step back from RIPE leadership roles they helped create

After decades of impactful and prolific research, two photosynthesis trailblazers are passing the torch, Stephen Long and Donald Ort are retiring from their leadership roles for the Realizing Increased Photosynthetic Efficiency (RIPE) project at the...