College of LAS Forms


The College of LAS has plenty of resources for your program change request, available for completion entirely online. If you have a question, you may contact us by email or connect with us via a virtual advising appointment.

Declare IB (Biology Majors, LAS Students, Non-LAS, Dual Degree, & Double Major)

Major Declaration Requirements:

  • Minimum GPA 2.5
  • Completion of Chem 102 & Chem 103 (General Chemistry I)
  • Completion of IB 150 & MCB 150

First Year Biology Students: already in the Biology Program can declare IB without meeting these requirements. They will just declare while in an open curricular change cycle with the "Current LAS Students" button above. 

Current LAS Students Non-LAS Students Double Majors (LAS Students) Dual Degree (Non-LAS Students) 


Declare Different LAS Major (Curricular Change Form)

Students who are already within LAS may request curricular changes at two times each semester: at the beginning of each semester or at mid-semester. 

Complete Form 

IB Waitlist

SIB courses are prioritized by current year in school and major/minor requirements. You may only submit a request for one course at a time—for multiple courses, please submit this form again for each course.

Complete Form 

Apply to Integrative Biology BS+MS

The BS+MS in Integrative Biology joint degree program provides students with a solid preparation in genetics, evolution, anatomy, physiology, ecology, and molecular biology. After completion of the foundational 100- and core 200-, 300-level courses in IB, students complete the required advanced coursework. Additionally, the MS in IB program provides students with a non-thesis, course-based advanced degree program opportunity. Traditional master’s degree programs typically require at least two years and the completion of a thesis component, which this degree program does not require. 

Apply Now 

Late Add/Drop

Before submitting form: 

  • Speak with the instructor of the class before submitting this form.
  • Petition for late course drop (obtain from LAS Student Academic Affairs)(Note: On Reading Day and during the Final Examination period, students will not be permitted to submit a late drop petition without consulting first with a dean or advisor at LAS Student Academic Affairs or Access and Achievement Program, both in 2002 Lincoln Hall. Students who wish to drop a summer course after the deadline should see a dean or advisor in the LAS Student Academic Affairs office).
  • Petition for Retroactive Course Drop (obtain from LAS Student Academic Affairs).

Complete Form 

Change Credit Hour

If you registered for IB 390 or IB 490 you will automatically be registered for 0 Credit Hours, you will have to go into the self-service system and change to the agreed upon credit hours. If this is done outside of the first 10 day registration period you will need to complete the form below.

Complete Form 

Grade Replacement

  • Students who wish to elect the grade replacement option must file their intent using this form in the first half of the term in which the course is to be repeated—i.e., the eighth week for a semester course and the fourth week for a half-session course.
  • You are eligible to elect grade replacement if:
    • You are attempting to replace the grade for a University of Illinois course in which you received a grade of C-, D+, D, D-, F, or ABS on the first attempt;
    • You have not previously repeated the course for grade replacement;
    • You have not already been awarded a degree from the University of Illinois;
    • You have not taken more than four distinct courses (10 semester hours maximum) for grade replacement;
    • You do not have an officially reported academic integrity infraction in the course.

Complete Form 

Credit/ No Credit

The credit/no credit grading option is designed to encourage students to explore areas of academic interest that they might otherwise avoid for fear of poor grades. Credit/no credit courses are not counted toward the GPA, but are included as part of the total credit hours and are assessed as credit hours.

Instructors are not informed of those students in their classes who are taking work under the credit/no credit option, and they report the usual letter grades at the end of the course. These grades are automatically converted to CR (credit) or NC (no credit). Prior to Fall 2022, a grade of C- or better was required to earn credit (CR). As of Fall 2022, a grade of D- or better is required to earn credit (CR).

All students considering this option are cautioned that many graduate and professional schools consider applicants whose transcripts bear a significant number of non-grade symbols less favorably than applicants whose transcripts contain none or very few. Likewise, in computing a pre-admission GPA, some institutions may convert the NC grade symbol to a failing grade.

Complete Form 

Declare Minor

Undergraduate students enrolled in a degree program at Illinois are not required to complete a minor for degree certification. However, many find this a desirable opportunity to study at some depth in a subject matter of additional interest to their major field of study. 

Complete Form 

Course Overload/Underload

Maximum and minimum course loads

An earned LAS degree is evidence that the student has followed a carefully planned and challenging program of study. In order to make normal progress toward a degree, the student is expected to be a full-time student.

Normal progress toward the degree in eight semesters is maintained by enrolling in an average of 15 credit hours per semester. The minimum course load required for full-time status is 12 hours.

The student registration system will not automatically block you from initiating a drop action that may bring you below the required full-time status. You are responsible for the following proper procedure noted in the section below on "Course Underloads." Also note:

  • Students who drop below 12 hours without the prior approval of the college may lose the privilege of further enrollment.
  • International students are required to consult International Student Scholar Services before initiating any change in their course schedule.
  • Students on probation are required to meet academic performance standards gauged on a 12-credit-hour load.

Course underloads (under 12 hours)

LAS approves course loads of less than 12 hours in special circumstances, such as seniors in their final semester who need fewer than 12 hours to graduate and students with a documented illness who are unable to carry a full load (medical documentation is required). Students may request an underload for other reasons, but the college generally does not approve more than one such request. Permission for an underload is obtained at LAS Student Academic Affairs.

Course Underload Request Form for Graduating Seniors: This form is only for students who are planning to graduate in the current term. 

Course Underload Request Form for Continuing Students: Use this form if you are not planning to graduate in the current term.

Course overloads (over 18 hours)

Students may carry as many as 18 hours without special permission. Approval for programs of more than 18 hours (overload) must be obtained from the college. Overload permissions are generally granted in the registration system the day before classes begin (for example, spring semester overloads are available the day before spring classes start). In summer terms, students may enroll in a maximum of 9 hours without special overload permission.

Overload Request Form

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