A new research initiative is investigating how maize and rice use light, water, and nutrients more efficiently, with the goal of developing higher-yield, more resilient crops. The Strategic Interventions for Sustainable Yield Increase in Maize and Rice (SUYIMAR) project, backed by Gates Agricultural Innovations (Gates Ag One), brings together experts from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, the Chinese Academy of SciencesAhmadu Bello University in Nigeria, and the National Cereals Research Institute in Nigeria to address the challenges of declining soil fertility, erratic rainfall, and drought.

“At Gates Ag One, we believe in bold innovation to drive science-based solutions with real impact,” said Brigitte Weston, Director of Product Development at Gates Ag One. “By supporting ambitious research, we have an opportunity to tackle pressing challenges and help shape a more sustainable and resilient future.”

Maize feeds over 300 million people in sub-Saharan Africa, while rice consumption reaches 11.5 million tons annually. As these staples face increasing pressure, researchers are working to safeguard their future.

“We are improving photosynthesis in the leaves and more effectively transporting the product (sugar) of photosynthesis into the seeds,” said University of Illinois Associate Professor of Plant Biology Li-Qing Chen. “Additionally, when we enhance the uptake of water and nutrients by the roots and improve utilization by the entire plant, we’re unlocking the crop’s intrinsic potential for higher harvests.”


About Gates Ag One:
Gates Agricultural Innovations (Gates Ag One) is a non-profit organization that accelerates breakthrough agricultural research to meet the urgent and neglected needs of smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. Out of the conviction that all lives have equal value, Gates Ag One serves the interests of smallholder farmers, who are most exposed to climate shocks yet lack the access that others have to the latest agricultural innovations. Gates Ag One works to level the playing field and empower smallholder farmers to transform their agricultural productivity, nutrition security and climate resilience. Learn more at gatesagone.org.