As a School, we are committed to exploring options to ensure that your educational dreams become a reality. We understand that financing your undergraduate education or experiential learning opportunities can be a significant concern so we collected relevant information here to help provide guidance, resources, and solutions to support your journey through college.

Our goal is to empower you with the knowledge and resources necessary to secure the financial support you need to thrive academically. Explore the options available and take the first step towards a successful and fulfilling undergraduate journey.

The School of Integrative Biology is pleased to offer awards, scholarships, and internships to undergraduates majoring in Integrative Biology or Integrative Biology Honors. These awards have been made possible by generous donations by friends of the School of Integrative Biology.

Full descriptions and information about how to apply to all of the Integrative Biology awards, scholarships, and internships may be found below in the drop-down fields. 


2025 Undergraduate Awards!


The School of Integrative Biology is pleased to offer awards, scholarships, and internships to undergraduates majoring in Integrative Biology or Integrative Biology Honors. All materials due: 11:49 pm Monday, February 3rd, 2025. 

Questions may be directed to

Full descriptions of all these awards, scholarships, and internships may be found below.

SIB Undergraduate 2025 Awards

Award and scholarship funds will be deposited into University of Illinois student accounts. Any existing debt to the University will be offset by this deposit. For individuals with financial aid, any award value that exceeds the cost of attendance budget will reduce other forms of aid. For concerns or questions regarding the effect on existing financial aid, please contact the Office of Student Financial Aid at (217) 333-0100.

Summer internships will be paid on a bi-weekly schedule following the completion of standard time reporting. Awardees will be required to commit to a 10-week, full-time job to be completed in Summer 2025. Awardees will be required to complete appropriate payroll documentation along with verification of United States employment eligibility.

Application Process for SIB Undergraduates
  • To apply, please fill out this Application form with all required application materials by 11:59 pm Monday, February 3, 2025.
  • You do not need to submit a letter of reference at this time. If one is required, it will be solicited from you by the awards committee.
  • Be sure to read the instructions for submission for each award carefully, as some awards have specific instructions and/or require additional materials.
  • Questions may be directed to

Undergraduate Award Descriptions and Eligibility Requirements

Delcomyn International Study in Biology Award

Description: In 2008, Dr. Fred Delcomyn and Nancy A. Delcomyn established the “Delcomyn International Study in Biology Award” to benefit undergraduate students majoring in Integrative Biology who wish to take advantage of educational opportunities in biology outside the United States and Canada. Such activities may include but are not limited to research projects, intersession courses, or courses offered by the Organization of Tropical Studies, that are held outside of the United States of America


  • Current undergraduate student majoring in Integrative Biology or Integrative Biology Honors.
  • A minimum GPA of 3.0.
  • A research project approved by the SIB Director or acceptance to a course or conference outside the US or Canada.
  • A statement (no longer than 2 pages) describing the research to be conducted and its significance, or the benefit applicant expects to receive by attending the international course or conference.
  • A detailed budget. The budget should detail the cost of airfare and/or course costs. Funds will not be provided for lodging or meals.
  • Letter of support from a faculty member.

Additional Information: Applications will be reviewed throughout the year as they are received by the School of Integrative Biology administrative office (286 Morrill Hall or Applications will be accepted until funds for the year are exhausted.

Application Process: Download the cover sheet (docx) and submit application electronically to the Undergraduate Awards Committee, Please use the subject line [YOUR NAME] Delcomyn Award.

Questions may be directed to

Camp Family Undergraduate Student Research + iBio Summer Internship

Description: Thanks to a generous gift by the Camp Family and funds from the School of Integrative Biology, this award will support a full-time (40 hours / week for 10 weeks) summer research experience in the lab of a School of Integrative Biology faculty member.


  • Current Freshmen, Sophomores or Juniors
  • Minimum 3.0 GPA
  • Must be willing and able to engage in full time (40 hours/week) mentored research for 10 weeks during summer.
  • Graduate of a high school in the State of Illinois.
  • Donors wish to support and help first generation college students.

SIB Summer Internship

Description: This award will support a full-time (40 hours / week for 10 weeks) summer research experience in the lab of a School of Integrative Biology Faculty member.


  • Current Freshmen, Sophomores or Juniors
  • Minimum 3.0 GPA
  • Must be willing and able to engage in full time (40 hours/week) mentored research for 10 weeks during summer.

Spyros Kavouras Memorial Undergraduate Student Research + iBio Summer Internship

Description: Thanks to a generous gift by Dr. Jerry Kavouras and funds from the School of Integrative Biology, this award will support a full-time (40 hours / week for 10 weeks) summer research experience in the lab of a School of Integrative Biology faculty member.


  • Current Freshmen, Sophomores or Juniors
  • Minimum 3.0 GPA
  • Must be willing and able to engage in full time (40 hours/week) mentored research for 10 weeks during summer.
  • Donor wishes to support and help first generation college students.

Robert H. Davis Memorial Award

Description: Rob Davis had completed all his coursework for a major in Integrative Biology when he died tragically at age 21 in February 2008 from a bacterial infection. This prize has been funded by a generous gift from Rob's family and is intended to recognize "a student who exhibits significant academic curiosity, is hardworking and motivated...(with) interests outside of academia, such as the arts, sports, politics or literature and who is generally inquisitive about life."


  • Current Sophomores or Juniors working in an SIB/organismal biology relevant field of study on the UIUC campus, but not necessarily within a SIB faculty member's laboratory or research program.
  • Applicants must provide evidence for outstanding academic achievement in the biological sciences; however, GPA will not be the sole determinative factor.
  • Applicant should be one who is currently prevented from engaging in undergraduate research to the extent s/he desires, because s/he must be gainfully employed to pay college expenses. The award is intended to supplement the applicant's finances to allow a semester or summer of research.
  • Interests outside of academia, such as the arts, sports, politics or literature and who is generally inquisitive about life.
  • Letter of reference from research advisor 

Robert H. Davis Excellence Award

Description: Sue and Kent Davis established this award to honor and remember their son Robert. This award supports a student excellence scholarship. The recipient is selected based on academic or research excellence. 


  • Current Freshmen, Sophomores or Juniors
  • Minimum 3.0 GPA

Joann Kavouras Memorial Scholarship in IB

Description: Thanks to a generous gift from Dr. Jerry Kavouras, this award will support scholarship to undergraduate IB students. 


  • Current Sophomores or Juniors
  • Donor wishes to give preference to students who are female, sophomore, and graduate of a high school in the state of Illinois.
  • Additional preference may be given to students who have a minimum of 3.0 out of 4.0 grade point average and are first generation college students.

Mildred Parizek Zukor Award

Description: This award, made possible by the donor and her family, recognizes outstanding achievement in undergraduate research in Animal Biology, Zoology, or Evolution, Ecology & Behavior.


  • Current Juniors or Seniors
  • At least one completed semester of IB 390 or 490
  • Plans to continue as a graduate student on the UIUC campus
  • Letter of reference from research advisor

Alumni & Friends Awards

Description: These awards have been made possible thanks to several donations from our alumni and friends. Their support has allowed SIB to offer unparalleled educational and research opportunities for our students. These scholarships have given our students access to additional resources, trainings, meetings, and more as they build their research skills and grow their careers.


  • Current undergraduate student majoring in Integrative Biology or Integrative Biology Honors.

Dr. Stewart D. Fordham Undergraduate Award in Integrative Biology Fund

Description: This award, made possible by a generous donation by Dr. Fordham, supports an undergraduate scholarship.


  • Students who complete their undergraduate degree program during the next academic year.
  • Must be planning on attending medical school immediately after graduation.

Fisheries Conservation Foundation Research Award for Undergraduates

The Fisheries Conservation Foundation has created an award to support an undergraduate student whose area of interest is fisheries and/or aquatic resource conservation. Preference will be given to students with demonstrated expertise or interest in pursuing a research project that integrates science, conservation, and outreach in fisheries and/or aquatic resource conservation. The award provides $700 in research support for the winning student’s project.

To be eligible, applicants must:

  • Be majoring in either Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences in the College of ACES or Integrative Biology in the College of LAS at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
  • Have a minimum GPA of 3.0.
  • Preference will be given to current juniors.

To apply, send to

  • A proposal outlining the proposed project, demonstrating how it will conserve fisheries or aquatic resources, and specifying how the award would be used, and
  • Two (2) letters of support from faculty members and/or someone related to the project but outside of the University.

Previous winners include:

  • Hannah Marti worked on a project looking at the impact of turbulence training on the swimming performance of hatchery-reared rainbow trout with the goal of improving hatchery conditions or fish passageways, using the award to fund the cost of a high-quality digital camera.
  • Rebecca Latham studied cortisol released from fish in water samples as a starting point to understanding how to noninvasively measure welfare in care settings, using the award to fund the cost of water sample collection bottles.
  • Hanna Winter researched how cold water temperatures affect the metabolic rate and recovery post-capture of bluegill, using the award to fund the cost of a respirometry probe needed for data collection.
  • Peter Whitney used the funds to support his travel to Amman, Jordan and Gaziantep, Turkey to investigate the effects of localized Syrian refugee populations on water resources.

SIB Undergraduate Travel Awards

Description: Thanks to the support of generous donors, we can offer travel grants of up to $500 to undergraduate students traveling to a professional conference or scientific meeting.

Eligibility – Currently enrolled student in IB, IBH, or IPS Entomology.  Travel must occur within 6 months of application.

Additional Information: Applications will be reviewed throughout the year as they are received. Applications will be accepted until funds for the year are exhausted.

Application Process: Download the coversheet and submit the application electronically to the Undergraduate Awards Committee, Please use the subject line [YOUR NAME] Travel Awards.

Integrative Biology Honors Awards

The following awards are available to undergraduate students majoring in Integrative Biology Honors. 

Oliver J. Bell Merit Scholarship in Integrative Biology

Description: This award, made possible by a generous donation from Mr. Bell, recognizes an outstanding sophomore in the Integrative Biology Honors Program.


  • Current sophomore enrolled in the School of Integrative Biology Honors Program

IBH Sophomore Achievement Scholarship

Description: This award recognizes outstanding achievement for a sophomore currently enrolled in the School of Integrative Biology Honors Program.


  • Current sophomore enrolled in the School of Integrative Biology Honors Program
  • Must provide evidence for outstanding achievements in academics and leadership activities

IBH Junior Achievement Scholarship

Description: This award recognizes outstanding achievement for a junior currently enrolled in the School of Integrative Biology Honors Program.


  • Current junior enrolled in the School of Integrative Biology Honors Program
  • Must provide evidence for outstanding achievements in academics and leadership activities

Judy Willis Scholarship

Description: This award is made possible by a generous donation by faculty in recognition of Dr. Judy Willis (currently a professor emeritus at the University of Georgia). Prior to teaching at UGA, she was a professor in the honors program for many years. This award recognizes an outstanding junior in the Integrative Biology Honors Program.


  • Current junior enrolled in the School of Integrative Biology Honors Program
  • Preference given to a student involved in research

Departmental Awards

Entomology Undergraduate Research Award

Description: It is a long-standing priority of the Department of Entomology to provide high-quality research experiences to undergraduates. This annual award recognizes outstanding achievement in undergraduate research in the field of entomology.


  • Current undergraduate student enrolled in any program at UIUC who has conducted significant research involving insects or other arthropods with a faculty member or affiliate of the Department of Entomology.
  • Preference given to undergraduate students who research has resulted in a peer-reviewed publication.

Dr. Lowell L. Getz and Mary R. Getz Undergraduate Research Award in EEB

Description: This award was established by Dr. Lowell L. Getz and his wife, Mary R. Getz, to support undergraduate research in the Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Behavior. Dr. Lowell Getz was a faculty member in the Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Behavior from 1962 to his retirement in 1997. Dr. Getz’s research focused on ecology and animal behavior in mammals, specifically on voles.


  • Current UIUC undergraduates conducting research with faculty or affiliate faculty members in the Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Behavior.

Graesser Fund in Plant Biology

Description: This award is to be used to support undergraduate research awards in the Department of Plant Biology. Thanks to a generous donation from University of Illinois alumnus Robert J. Graesser, an award will be made annually to support one undergraduate researcher’s activities in a Plant Biology laboratory or field research program.


  • Current UIUC undergraduate student who is performing research in the laboratory of a faculty member in Plant Biology.


Campus-Wide Financial Support

There are many additional sources of financial support that students can utilize to offset cost of attendance at Illinois. In addition to the School of Integrative Biology awards and scholarships, students are encouraged to explore other avenues outlined here:

General financial support and scholarship information: University of Illinois Office of Student Financial Aid | US Department of Education

Support for study abroad: Illinois International | Study Abroad Office

Support for research: Office of Undergraduate Research | AAP/SIB Summer Research Fellowship Program | Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP)

Other support: Ronald E. McNair Scholars Program | College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Scholarships and Awards | National and International Scholarships Program 

Looking to add to your resume? Check-out the IB undergraduate jobs!