Integrative Biology Honors is a complete curriculum designed for exceptional students wishing to pursue an intensive program in integrative biology and, concurrently, to gain a strong background in the physical sciences and mathematics.
With enrollment limited to 20-25 students per year and all classes and labs taught by outstanding professors, students are virtually assured the daily interactions with faculty that are critical to developing scientific techniques, critical thinking, and communication skills. Each year, participation in open-ended laboratory and field courses fosters cohesiveness among all the students in the program, creating a mutual support system unique among biology majors.
Three, semester-long core honors courses have one over-arching theme, the integration of biology at multiple levels of organization, from cells and molecules, to organisms, to ecosystems. Supplemented with a strong background in chemistry, the physical sciences, mathematics and statistics, and Independent Study research experiences, IB Honors students are among the best-prepared students at the University, whether their career goals be graduate and professional schools (Medical, Veterinary, Dental or others), as well as biology careers in the private and public sectors.