The School of Integrative Biology Undergraduate Certificate Programs offers students the opportunity to obtain recognition for completing coursework that provides foundational understanding in a variety of areas. Many of the certificates are jointly administered by SIB and collaborating units across campus, and students can use this credential on any resumé or application for advanced study.
For completion of the certificates, students will need to complete an online form stating their intention, and a completion checklist (no later than the final day of classes in the student's final term) to affirm that the requirements have been met. For more information, please refer to the specific requirements listed with each certificate below. Courses selected may not be used to satisfy requirements of more than one IB Certificate.
SIB Certificates
Certificate in Animal Behavior
The Certificate in Animal Behavior, jointly administered by the School of Integrative Biology and the Department of Psychology, allows undergraduates to obtain recognition for completing coursework that provides a foundational understanding of the study of Animal Behavior. The courses included provide an understanding of both the proximate (e.g., genetic, neural, hormonal mechanisms) and ultimate (e.g., evolutionary reasons) bases of behavior.
For completion of the certificate, students must do the following:
- Declare their intention to complete the certificate and develop a plan of study in by completing the online form.
- Earn at least twelve hours of coursework selected from the list below.
- Complete the online checklist no later than the final day of classes in the student’s final term to affirm that the requirements for the certificate have been met.
Students completing the certificate will be presented with an official certificate document. Although the certificate will not appear on a student’s transcript, students will be free to use this credential on any resumé or application for advanced study.
- Students are not guaranteed a seat in a course required by the certificate but are welcome to enroll in courses where seats are available after any restriction, which may have been placed, has been removed.
- Courses selected may not be used to satisfy requirements of more than one Psychology or IB Certificate.
Certificate in Animal Behavior requirements:
Students are encouraged to take one course in each of IB and Psychology.
Course List for the Certificate in Animal Behavior1
- IB 329/PSYC 329 Animal Behavior
- IB 430 Animal Behavior Lab
- IB 431 Behavioral Ecology
- IB 432/PSYC 432 Genes and Behavior
- IB 390 Undergraduate Research Experience
- IB 490 Independent Study
- PSYC 210 Behavioral Neuroscience
- PSYC 302 Applied Neuroscience
- PSYC 311 Behavioral Neuroscience Lab
- PSYC 408 Human Behavior Genetics
- PSYC 413 Psychopharmacology
- PSYC 414 Brain, Learning and Memory
- PSYC 417 Neuroscience of Eating and Drinking
- PSYC 433/IB 436 Evolutionary Neuroscience
- PSYC 290 Research Experience in Psych
- PSYC 494 Advanced Research in Psych
1 Additional prerequisite courses may be required.
Certificate in Biology of Global Change
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon described global environmental change as the “defining challenge of our time.” The impacts of altered environmental conditions on human health and well-being are largely mediated by biological processes. For example, climate change is impacting food production by crops and animals, infectious diseases, as well as provision clear air and water by natural ecosystems. Therefore, understanding of global change biology is paramount for efforts to understand, mitigate and adapt to environmental change.
The Certificate in Biology of Global Change is open to all undergraduate students at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. The certificate provides students with a credential that demonstrates their competency in the biology of global change. Careers for which a Certificate in Biology of Global Change may be appropriate: medicine and human health, agriculture and forestry, clean energy production, environmental policy, conservation and land management, education, environmental consulting, sustainability, urban planning.
For completion of the certificate, students must do the following:
- Declare their intention to complete the certificate and develop a plan of study in by completing the online form.
- Choose which certificate track you intend to follow:
- Complete four courses selected from the list below.
- Complete three courses selected from the list below and participate in at least one practicum to be approved by an IB advisor. Submit at 1-2 page reflection that addresses the questions below.
- Complete the online checklist no later than the final day of classes in the student’s final term to affirm that the requirements for the certificate have been met.
Students opting to complete the certificate with a practicum must receive approval from an IB advisor prior to undertaking the practicum. Options for a practicum may include, but are not limited to, the following:
- volunteering
- research
- experience abroad
- internships
- job shadowing
Practicums should comprise at least twenty supervised hours of experience aligned with the certificate. Students need to complete the online practicum approval form prior to undertaking the experience.
After the practicum is complete, it is required to submit a 1-2 page reflection that addresses the following questions:
- how has this experience shaped your understanding of global change biology?
- what was the most impactful part of your experience?
- what skills, specialized knowledge, and/or tangible outputs did you gain during your experience? (Hint: this is something you could and likely should add to your resume!)
- The reflection must be signed by the supervisor of the experience, including their name and contact information.
Students completing the certificate will be presented with an official certificate document. Although the certificate will not appear on a student’s transcript, students will be free to use this credential on any resumé or application for advanced study.
- Students are not guaranteed a seat in a course required by the certificate but are welcome to enroll in courses where seats are available after any restriction, which may have been placed, has been removed.
- Courses selected may not be used to satisfy requirements of more than one IB Certificate.
Certificate in Biology of Global Change requirements:
Required (Choose one, 4-5 hours)
- IB 203 Ecology
- IB 372 Ecology and Evolution (restricted to IB Honors)
Choose two of the following, plus a practicum experience approved by an IB advisor (6-8 hours)
OR choose three of the following with no practicum (9-12 hours)
- IB 335 Plant Systematics (Spring 2024 and prior)
- IB 407 Plant Diversity and Evolution (Spring 2025 and later)
- IB 362 Marine Biology
- IB 439 Biogeography
- IB 440 Plants and Global Change
- IB 444 Insect Ecology
- IB 451 Conservation Biology
- IB 452 Ecosystem Ecology
- IB 453 Community Ecology
Certificate in Forensic Science
The Certificate in Forensic Science, jointly administered by the School of Integrative Biology and the Department of Anthropology, allows undergraduates to obtain recognition for completing coursework that provides a foundational coursework in biology and anthropology to prepare for additional study in forensic sciences. Careers for which a certificate in Forensic Science may be appropriate include forensic pathology, forensic anthropology, death investigation, crime scene investigation, forensic biology, forensic genetics, forensic botany, forensic toxicology, and forensic entomology.
For completion of the certificate, students must do the following:
- Declare their intention to complete the certificate and develop a plan of study in by completing the online form.
- Choose which certificate track you intend to follow:
- Complete four courses selected from the list below.
- Complete three courses selected from the list below and participate in at least one practicum to be approved by an Anthropology or IB advisor. Submit a 1-2 page reflection that addresses the questions below.
- Complete the online checklist no later than the final day of classes in the student’s final term to affirm that the requirements for the certificate have been met.
Students opting to complete the certificate with a practicum must receive approval from an IB advisor prior to undertaking the practicum. Options for a practicum may include, but are not limited to, the following:
- volunteering
- research
- experience abroad
- internships
- job shadowing
Practicums should comprise at least twenty supervised hours of experience aligned with the certificate. Students need to complete the online practicum approval form prior to undertaking the experience.
After the practicum is complete, it is required to submit a 1-2 page reflection thataddresses the following questions:
- how has this experience shaped your understanding of forensic science?
- what was the most impactful part of your experience?
- what skills, specialized knowledge, and/or tangible outputs did you gain during your experience? (Hint: this is something you could and likely should add to your resume!)
- The reflection must be signed by the supervisor of the experience, including their name and contact information.
Students completing the certificate will be presented with an official certificate document. Although the certificate will not appear on a student’s transcript, students will be free to use this credential on any resumé or application for advanced study.
- Students are not guaranteed a seat in a course required by the certificate but are welcome to enroll in courses where seats are available after any restriction, which may have been placed, has been removed.
- Courses selected may not be used to satisfy requirements of more than one Anthropology or IB Certificate.
Certificate in Forensic Science (9-15 hours)
Required Course
- ANTH 246 Forensic Science
Certificate Option A: Choose three of the following with no practicum (9-12 hours)1, 2
Certificate Option B: Choose two of the following, plus a practicum experience approved by an IB or Anthropology advisor
- ANTH 247 Forensic Science DNA Lab
- ANTH 346 Forensic Anthropology
- ANTH 347 Human Osteology
- ANTH 441 Human Genetics
- ANTH 447 Advanced Skeletal Biology
- SOC 375 Criminal Justice
- IB 303 Anatomy
- IB 335 Plant Systematics (Spring 2024 and prior)
- IB 407 Plant Diversity and Evolution (Spring 2025 and later)
- IB 364 Genomics and Human Health
- IB 401 Introduction to Entomology
- IB 432/ANTH 432 Genes and Behavior
- IB 439 Biogeography
- IB 468 Insect Classification and Evolution
- IB 471 General Mycology
- IB 481 Vector-Borne Diseases
You can use the Forensic Science Certificate Course Guide to help plan around the term availability and prerequisites of the courses listed above.
1 Students are encouraged to take at least one course each in both IB and Anthropology.
2 Prerequisite courses may be required for selected advanced courses.
Certificate in Infection Biology
The Certificate in Infection Biology, jointly administered by the School of Molecular and Cellular Biology (MCB) and the School of Integrative Biology (IB), allows undergraduate students to obtain recognition for completing coursework that provides a foundational understanding of the study of Infection Biology from the molecular to ecosystem level.
Students pursuing further graduate or professional education or immediate employment in health-related professions such as medicine, veterinary medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and education, or in food, pharmaceutical or other health-related industries will benefit from a well-considered set of courses that together help them be more informed, in a well-rounded way, about what Infection Biology is and how it affects each of us in one way or another. Students interested in law might use this certificate as a springboard to policymaking in government and non-governmental organizations. Students seeking an MS or PhD degree in any subfield of biology would benefit from understanding in more detail the issues surrounding infection biology.
For completion of the certificate, students must do the following:
- Declare their intention to complete the certificate and develop a plan of study in by completing the online form.
- Earn at least twelve hours of coursework selected from the list below.
- Complete the online checklist no later than the final day of classes in the student’s final term to affirm that the requirements for the certificate have been met.
Students completing the certificate will be presented with an official certificate document. Although the certificate will not appear on a student’s transcript, students will be free to use this credential on any resumé or application for advanced study.
- Students are not guaranteed a seat in a course required by the certificate but are welcome to enroll in courses where seats are available after any restriction, which may have been placed, has been removed.
- Courses selected at the 400-level may not be used to satisfy requirements of more than one MCB or IB Certificate.
Certificate in Infection Biology eligibility requirements:
- Declare an MCB, BIOC, or IB major or minor.
- Complete 12-14 advanced credit hours of required and elective courses in their declared major. To satisfy the requirements of this certificate, a minimum of 5 courses from the lists below are required, some of which can be used to satisfy their major requirements. At least one elective course must have an MCB rubric and at least one elective course must have an IB rubric.
Required Courses
- MCB 100 (Introductory Microbiology) or MCB 300 (Microbiology) (3 credits)
- MCB 435/IB 442 Evolution of Infectious Disease (3 credits)
- MCB 436 (Global Biosecurity) (1 credit)
Elective IB courses (choose at least 1 course)
- IB 360 Evolution & Human Health (3 credits)
- IB 361 Ecology & Human Health (3 credits)
- IB 364 Genomics & Human Health (3 credits)
- IB 481 Vector-borne Diseases (4 credits)
- IB 494 Theoretical Biology and Models (4 credits)
Elective IB courses (choose at least 1 course)
- MCB 408 Immunology (3 credits)
- MCB 426 Bacterial Pathogenesis (3 credits)
- MCB 428 Microbial Pathogens Laboratory (2 credits)
- MCB 493 section VIR Virology (3 credits)
- MCB 432 Computing in Molecular Biology (3 hours)
Certificate in Integrative Health
The Certificate in Integrative Health is open to all undergraduate students at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and is administered by the School of Integrative Biology. This certificate addresses a growing demand for health-care providers that approach health in a holistic manner, and provides students with interdisciplinary preparation in the myriad ways health is affected. The certificate also provides students with a credential that demonstrates their competency in integrating biology and health. Careers for which the Certificate in Integrative Health may be appropriate include medicine, dentistry, physician assistant, optometry, physical therapy, genetic counseling, and veterinary medicine.
For completion of the certificate, students must do the following:
- Declare their intention to complete the certificate and develop a plan of study in by completing the online form.
- Choose which certificate track you intend to follow:
- Complete four courses selected from the list below.
- Complete three courses selected from the list below and participate in at least one practicum to be approved by an IB advisor.
- Complete the online checklist no later than the final day of classes in the student’s final term to affirm that the requirements for the certificate have been met. Submit a 1-2 page reflection that addresses the questions below.
Students opting to complete the certificate with a practicum must receive approval from an IB advisor prior to undertaking the practicum. Options for a practicum may include, but are not limited to, the following:
- volunteering
- research
- experience abroad
- internships
- job shadowing
Practicums should comprise at least twenty supervised hours of experience aligned with the certificate. Students need to complete the online practicum approval form prior to undertaking the experience.
After the practicum is complete, it is required to submit a 1-2 page reflection that addresses the following questions:
- how has this experience shaped your understanding of the interdisciplinary and holistic nature of health?
- what was the most impactful part of your experience?
- what skills, specialized knowledge, and/or tangible outputs did you gain during your experience? (Hint: this is something you could and likely should add to your resume!)
- The reflection must be signed by the supervisor of the experience, including their name and contact information.
Students completing the certificate will be presented with an official certificate document. Although the certificate will not appear on a student’s transcript, students will be free to use this credential on any resumé or application for advanced study.
- Students are not guaranteed a seat in a course required by the certificate but are welcome to enroll in courses where seats are available after any restriction, which may have been placed, has been removed.
- Courses selected may not be used to satisfy requirements of more than one IB Certificate.
Certificate in Integrative Health (9-15 hours)
Choose one (3-5 hours)
- IB 202 Physiology (lab optional)
- IB 204 Genetics (lab optional)
- IB 270 Evolution of Molecules and Cells (restricted to IB Honors)
- IB 271 Organismal Biology (restricted to IB Honors)
Choose two of the following,
plus a practicum experience approved by IB advisors (6-8 hours)
OR choose three of the following with no practicum (9-12 hours)
- IB 303 Anatomy
- IB 329 Animal Behavior
- IB 360 Evolution & Human Health
- IB 361 Ecology & Human Health
- IB 364 Genomics & Human Health
- IB 430 Animal Behavior Lab
- IB 432 Genes & Behavior
- IB 434 Physical Principles in Biology
- IB 435 Critical Evaluation of Herbal Remedies
- IB 481 Vector-Borne Diseases
Computational Science and Engineering Certificate
The Computational Science and Engineering certificate program is designed to provide undergraduate students an opportunity to develop a solid base in problem solving using computation as a major tool for modeling complicated problems in science and engineering. Students wishing to pursue the CSE certificate program are required to register. Students currently enrolled in one of the participating departments can register for the CSE undergraduate Certification Option by completing the CSE Registration Form (must log in with university credentials).
This CSE Certificate option is available to students currently enrolled in the Integrative Biology (IB) undergraduate degree program at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Some of the certificate requirements also count toward the IB degree requirements. To receive a certificate in ‘Computational Science and Engineering’, students must complete coursework in all 4 categories below, totaling at least 12 hours1.
Hours | Topics | Course Requirements |
3 - 4 | CS 101 or CS 125 | Programming core |
3 - 4 | STAT 212, STAT 400 or CPSC 440 | Biostatistics core |
3 | IB 364 or CS 466 | Bioinformatics core |
3 - 4 | IB 491, IB 494, IB 4902 or any 400-level CSE course listed in: | Core/Application Coursework or research credit |
12 | Total Hours1 |
1 Please note, all prerequisite courses must be taken if specified.
2 IB 490 (Independent Study) may be used to fulfill the required application course:
- The main requirement is that the course applies the computational skills gained to solve real problems. Experimental research is also encouraged but the research must comprise sufficient computational work.
- In order for IB 490 to fulfill the certification requirement, the proposed research must be approved by the CSE steering committee representative of the IB department or by one of the CSE affiliated IB faculty listed on the Computational Science and Engineering website.
Certificate in Entomology
The Certificate in Entomology, jointly administered by the School of Integrative Biology and the Department of Entomology, allows undergraduates from a variety of majors to obtain recognition for completing coursework that provides a foundational understanding of the study of Entomology. The courses included provide an understanding of both the basic (e.g., physiology, ecology) and applied (e.g., pest management, vector-borne disease) aspects of entomology.
For completion of the certificate, students must do the following:
- Declare their intention to complete the certificate and develop a plan of study by completing the online form.
- Earn at least twelve hours of coursework selected from the list below.
- Complete the online checklist no later than the final day of classes in the student’s final term to affirm that the requirements for the certificate have been met.
Students completing the certificate will be presented with an official certificate document. Although the certificate will not appear on a student’s transcript, students will be free to use this credential on any resumé or application for advanced study.
- Students are not guaranteed a seat in a course required by the certificate but are welcome to enroll in courses where seats are available after any restriction, which may have been placed, has been removed.
- Courses selected may not be used to satisfy requirements of more than one IB Certificate.
Course List for the Certificate in Entomology
- IB 390 Undergraduate Research Experience. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Research must have Entomology focus. Maximum of 6 credits of IB 390 and IB 490 combined may count toward certificate.
- IB 401 Introduction to Entomology. Prerequisite: IB 150; or consent of instructor. 3 or 4 undergraduate hours. An insect collection will be required for 4 hours credit. Offered Fall semesters.
- IB 411 Bioinspiration. Prerequisite: None. 3 undergraduate hours. Offered Fall semesters.
- IB 430 Animal Behavior Lab. Prerequisite: IB 329. 3 undergraduate hours. Offered Fall semesters.
- IB 433 Insect Physiology. Prerequisite: IB 202 and IB 401. 3 undergraduate hours. Offered Spring even semesters.
- IB 444 Insect Ecology. Prerequisite: IB 150 and MCB 150 or consent of instructor. 3 or 4 undergraduate hours. Lecture only, 3 hours; with laboratory, 4 hours. Offered Fall even semesters.
- IB 468 Insect Classification and Evolution. Prerequisite: IB 401 or consent of instructor. 4 undergraduate hours. Offered Fall odd semesters.
- IB 481 Vector-Borne Diseases. Prerequisite: IB 361 or IB 401 or consent of instructor. 4 undergraduate hours. Offered Spring even semesters.
- IB 482 Insect Pest Management. Prerequisite: IB 150 or equivalent; or consent of department. 3 undergraduate hours. Offered Fall odd semesters.
- IB 490 Independent Study. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Research must have Entomology focus. Maximum of 6 credits of IB 390 and IB 490 combined may count toward certificate.
- NRES 499 Freshwater Invertebrates. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. 3 undergraduate hours. Offered Fall even semesters.
Suggested Tracks
Applied Entomology: IB 401 Introduction to Entomology (4 hours), IB 481 Vector-Borne Diseases (4 hours), IB 482 Insect Pest Management (4 hours).
Fundamental Entomology: IB 401 Introduction to Entomology (4 hours), IB 444 Insect Ecology (4 hours), IB 468 Insect Classification and Evolution (4 hours).
Insect Physiology: IB 401 Introduction to Entomology (3 hours), IB 411 Bioinspiration (3 hours), IB 433 Insect Physiology (3 hours), NRES 499 Freshwater Invertebrates (3 hours).
Insect Research: IB 411 Bioinspiration (3 hours), IB 390 and IB 490 Undergraduate Research (6 hours), IB 430 Animal Behavior Lab (3 hours).